Nov 2003 - Feb 2004 Grenada and The Grenadines; Chacachacare, Trinidad |
We arrived back at Grenada Marine on 17th November and launched on 24th spending a few days in the anchorage by the boatyard, getting things ready for sea – it was so hot and humid in the boatyard that we just got into the water as soon as possible, so we still had quite a lot of jobs on our to do list. At least there was a bit more breeze out on the water, and we could go over the side for a cooling swim in between tasks.
At the boatyard we met up with old friends Graham and Jackie on Restless. They also have a property in France now. It seems to be very popular with cruisers. Dave was also there, getting Overstreet ready for launch.
View of Grenada Marine |
We left St David's on 27th and moved along the south coast to Mount Hartman Bay. Just off Tara Rock there was a squall, and the shallow waters of that stretch get rough very quickly. We entered the 'spin cycle' and waited for it to pass, before working our way through the reefs to the anchorage, where we met up with pals Paul and Wyn on their new cat Union Jock. We also met Jean Paul and Sonia on Mauna Rua (good practice for our French speaking), and Overstreet and Loon were moored up in Martin's Marina (this used to be the Moorings base, but is now under new ownership, with the Moorings fleet now based in the Grenadines).
Oasis in the slings, preparing to launch, with Overstreet in the background |
We hadn't anchored here before, although we have visited it many times by dinghy, as when we have been at Hog Island we had to come here to go ashore to shops etc.
It was a good choice as there was plenty of room - just as well, as that night there was quite a storm with a torrential downpour most of the night. The high winds caused quite a few boats to drag their anchors, but fortunately we weren't affected, and none of the boats near us were either. The dinghy was half full of water in the morning, so I washed all our canvas covers in it.
Our friend Colin arrived in Grenada on 6th December for a two week holiday with us and we decided that the best place to go with him would be to the Grenadines. We promised him extraordinary turquoise lagoons, and he wasn't disappointed!
Colin takes the helm |

In fact, while Colin was with us we had some of the best sailing and the best fishing that we have ever had. First we went to one of our favourite haunts, Tyrell Bay in Carriacou, where we stayed for a visit to the Carriacou Yacht Club for a lovely roti lunch. Next stop was Hillsborough where we went to the market and cleared out, then to Clifton, Union Island in St Vincent & the Grenadines.
We did some more provisioning in Clifton, stocking up on cheaper beer and wine, and buying fresh fruits and veggies from the charming stall holders on the green.
Next day we moved over to Petit St Vincent and the day after that we moved to anchor nearer to Mopion island, so that we could take a short dinghy ride for an excellent and enjoyable snorkel. Later that day we moved on to the Tobago Cays. There were far fewer boats in the anchorage than we have seen on previous occasions, so it was pleasantly uncrowded. The waters were as stunning as ever, and we had a throughly enjoyable time with Colin, snorkelling over some of the delightful reefs.
We spent two days there before heading back to Clifton for a rendezvous with Union Jock, with their guests Anne Marie and Xavier on board. We all needed to make sure that we got our guests back in good time for their flights home, so it was time to start heading back to Grenada. On passage between Clifton and Hillsborough, we caught a Jack, and returned it. Then we caught a Tuna, which we ate, then we caught another Jack, which managed to set itself free. A record day for fishing!
At anchor in Tobago Cays |
That night we had another great pizza at the Turtle Dove in Tyrell Bay.
On 17th Union Jock left ahead of us, and warned of of strong winds and heavy seas just offshore, so we waited for conditions to settle somewhat before we left. Even so, we experienced squally showers and gusty SE winds. We had a hairy moment as we approached St Georges. There was a big cruise ship anchored out, and we were having a terrific sail, when a gust caught us unexpectedly, causing Colin to slip and get a nasty bruise on his upper arm. We anchored at Martins Bay, just outside of St Georges' harbour.
Paul and Wyn with Union Jock |

We decided to have another Christmas in Hog Island, in company with Union Jock. For New year we moved round to Mount Hartman as Pam & Chas of Night Owl had organised a great party ashore. It was good fun to meet up with them again, and with Malcolm and Margot from Kiwa.
Our friend Judy who we had met in Oyster Creek, St Augustine, told us to look up her friend Inga. We had heard Inga on the radio, where she uses the call sign Homeward Bound. In fact she is shore based in a house with a fantastic view over Secret Harbour. Here she offers hospitality and help to cruisers. She very kindly agreed to look after some of our luggage while we went to Trinidad.
Christmas lunch on Hog Island beach |
Graham had a job filming the Tour de Langkawi and needed to be in Malaysia in February. As we had plenty of work to do on the house and garden in France, we decided to cut the cruising season short and travel back to the UK together, where I would be able to spend some time with my mother.
On 8th January we travelled south to Trinidad and cleared in at Chaguaramas before heading off to Chacachacare. This was a wonderful spot, in quiet contrast to the hustle and bustle of the main yachting centres. We had a few lovely days here, snorkelling in the crystal clear, but emerald green waters, and exploring the fascinating ruins of the old leper colony ashore. There are the doctor's houses, the church, the hospital and so on, gradually being reclaimed by jungle. Sadly, the photos from Chacachacare were lost when our backup hard drive failed. Union Jock joined us here for a day or two, before we headed back to Chaguaramas and moored at Coral Cove on 15th, where we hauled out and got Oasis wrapped up before flying out to Grenada on 26th. Jessie James (Members Only) took us to the airport, and we flew to Grenada where we were met by Pam & Chas. As our flight was late that night, they took us to Inga's where we rested until it was time to go to the airport. |