June 2001,
Watching in Trinidad |
We departed Prickly Bay, Grenada on the afternoon of 31st
May. A tropical wave had been forecast, with possible squalls, so we waited
until we thought it has passed, leaving with a SE breeze of 15 - 20 knots.
However a couple of hours out the wind increased to 30 knots and veered
more to the S, accompanied by such heavy rain that the seas were flattened.
We turned around and headed back to Grenada, picked up a mooring off the
hotel and made dinner. By 8pm the weather had settled and we started out
again into much calmer seas.We were accompanied by huge dolphins as we
made our way through the Boca del Dragon at about 11am. In Chaguaramas
we had reserved a marina berth at Coral Cove. |
From the time of our arrival, we started preparing Oasis for being
hauled out during the hurricane season. Our neighbours at Coral Cove, Tim
and Jean on Sassie, invited us to join them on an overnight trip
to see the leatherback turtles nesting on the north coast, and we jumped
at the chance. With Jesse James (Members Only maxi taxi service
- but you don't have to be a member, that's just a name) we drove east
and then up the coast, stopping for lunch along the way at Carol's Roti
Shop. We continued northward and then west along the fabulous coastline,
swept by the Atlantic Ocean.
Right: B, Jean, Tim and Jessie
outside Carol's Roti Shop |
We arrived at the Almendier Hotel and Restaurant in Grand
Riviere where we were shown our comfortable room, and their delightful
chef asked us to order what we would like for dinner later. We then had
time for a rest and a walk along the beach. No sign of any turtles yet,
although the beach was very churned up and there were a lot of vultures
around. During the day the beach is open for normal use, but once the sun
sets, one is only allowed to go on the beach if accompanied by a guide.
They do their best to protect the nesting sites during the season and to
keep any poachers at bay.
Left: Looking out for turtles
before sunset |
had a wonderful dinner, and then went down to the beach at about 8pm. We
wondered whether there would be any turtles to see. We needn't have worried,
our guide immediately took us by torchlight to see an enormous turtle who
was already in the process of creating her nest. Using her rear fins, she
carefully removed the sand and created a large inverted cone shape, which
she tamped down to firm the sides. We were asked to keep very quiet during
this time, because if distracted, the turtle may have abandoned the process
and returned to the sea. Once the nest was completed to her satisfaction,
she started to lay her eggs. It was absolutely fascinating to watch and
very moving. The guide told us that at this time that we could touch her
gently, as she would be oblivious to us. After laying some 50 or so round
eggs (a little smaller than a tennis ball), she started to cover them up.
the sweep of Grand Riviere beach, all churned up by turtles
very humbled and over-awed, we were astonished when the guide shone his
torch around us - there were turtles everywhere! Over the course of the
night, he expected there to be several hundred turtles coming to nest.
During the season (April - July) each turtle may come ashore up to 8 times,
laying 50 - 100 eggs each time. Although the beach is quite large, of course
there are many incidents where the building of a new nest uncovers an old
one, and many eggs were dislodged, for the vultures to find in the morning.
the vultures wait by the river mouth, close to the beach where the turtles
come ashore |
we were there well into the season, we were lucky enough to also see the
hatchlings coming to the surface and making their way to the sea. Of course,
we wanted to help them! We were allowed to pick them up and feel how strong
they were - their instinct to get to the sea can be upset by light, and
some young ones made their way towards the hotel by mistake, but we were
able to pick them up and carry them close to the water's edge. Unfortunately
we were not allowed to take any photographs at night, for fear of disturbing
the turtles, but we got up before dawn the next morning, and there were
still some turtles laying, so we were able to see them very clearly and
take pictures. By this time, all the young ones had disappeared.
an adult female leatherback turtle, covering up her nest |
Having laid her eggs, the turtle is very particular to
ensure that it is not obvious where they are to be found, and despite the
fact that by this time she must be very tired, she spares no effort in
covering her nest and showers sand in all directions as she disguises the
place. By the time she had finished, even though we had seen her laying
them, we could not tell where they were. The only signs she left behind
were the tracks which she made as she returned to the sea.
Left: turtle tracks leading back
to the sea |
What a fantastic experience! |