Why Swallows?

You may be interested to know how I chose the name SWALLOWS for this new online support group. For the last year or more, the Amazon - Alternative Therapies for Breast Cancer mailing list, has been my main support, and with them I have learned a great deal about nutritional and natural approaches.

I find the image of the Amazon warrior to be empowering and one which gives me an attitude of beng a survivor. When I made the decision for my own treatment to include chemo- and radiotherapy, however, I couldn't find anywhere to get information on using complementary therapies to help me sail through the treatment with ease. I recognised the need to establish a new group existed. At about this time, I was given the book 'Swallows and Amazons' by Arthur Ransome, by a colleague who understands my love of sailing, to help me while away the inevitable waiting times in hospitals and clinics.

When I started to think about names for the new group, my husband immediately suggested 'Swallows'. I think it fits us very well - we are migratory creatures, moving between conventional and alternative therapies; the swallow has great perseverance and an unnerring sense of direction; and they travel their journey as a group, rather than individually.

The name helps us to retain our link with our sister group, the Amazon, from whom the initial membership was formed, and it combines for me the strength of one with the agility of the other.

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